Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Film, witness, shows the audience a clash of different cultures that come together briefly but cannot mix free essay sample

It is clear that the clash of the Amish and mainstream American society cannot mix, as shown in the film Witness. Although the cultures meet out of necessity in the film, the relationship between John Book and Rachel Lapp doesn’t eventuate, Eli and Book disagree on their ideas of justice, and the lifestyles of the two different societies are often incompatible. (When Samuel is involved in the murder it is quite incompatible that they have to stay in the city without any family support and also have to stay with Elaine). John and Rachel’s relationship does not eventuate much as they are both from different cultures which makes it difficult. There are many scenes that John and Rachel appear together in. The first time is after Samuel had witnessed the murder in the toilet cubical. It was an awkward start to their relationship as Rachel did not want her son involved in a questioning with a strange man. We will write a custom essay sample on The Film, witness, shows the audience a clash of different cultures that come together briefly but cannot mix or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She was on her way to see her sister. Been told she had to wait so her son could be questioned was not the plan. Throughout the film their relationship becomes stronger but because of the different cultures that they come from it would be very difficult for them to actually be in a relationship. The cultural backgrounds would mean having to make other sacrifices. This is why this is an example of people and cultures that come together but can’t mix. Eli and Book disagree on their ideas of justice. The difference between the Amish and the â€Å"English† is often shown to be incompatible in Witness. One such occasion when this occurs is in the scene where Rachel and Samuel accompany Book to the police station shortly after the murder investigation starts. Rachel is not happy with exposing her son to an atmosphere of violence, as shown by her stern body language and her displeasure of being around Book, who she says seems to enjoy â€Å"whacking people†. The aggressive policing tactics used by book in the investigation do not agree the Amish view that violence is never the answer. The clash of violent and non-violent societies in Witness shows that the Amish and mainstream Americans are not compatible. The Film, witness, shows the audience a clash of Amish and mainstream American society cultures that come together briefly but cannot mix. This is shown by the relationships that can’t go ahead because of the sacrifices that would have to be made for the relationship. Also the way that each of the cultures act towards punishment caused quite a lot of tension. Characters/ cultures clashing. Within the film there are definitely cultures that come together that should not stay together. ?

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