Wednesday, September 2, 2020

feudilism essays

feudilism expositions The term feudalism is gotten from the Latin feodum, for fief, and eventually from a Germanic word importance cow, summed up to signify significant mobile property. Feudalism started around 450 AD after German intruders had vanquished Rome. Its beginnings were between the Rhine and Loire waterways, yet it before long spread from France to Spain, Italy, and later Germany and Eastern Europe. It arrived at its development around the eleventh century and continued to develop into the thirteenth century. Feudalism proceeded in all pieces of Europe until the finish of the fourteenth penny. Feudalism origined out of the disappointment of the brought together government in the ninth century, which made Europeans unreliable. Feudalism is an arrangement of human connections for example commonly gainful individual understandings between individuals with the end goal of assurance and equity. Understandings comprised of private agreements wherein one individual acknowledged the situation of being a dependant of another and this understanding was ensured by awards of land called fief. In a perfect primitive society the responsibility for land was vested in the ruler. Underneath him was a chain of importance of aristocrats, the most significant aristocrats holding land straightforwardly from the ruler, and the lesser from them, down to the seigneur who held a solitary house. The political economy of the framework was neighborhood and rural, and at its base was the manorial framework. Under the manorial framework the workers, workers, or serfs, held the land they worked from the seigneur, who allowed them utilization of the land and his insurance as a byproduct of individual administrations and for contribution. Now and again the ruler would likewise concede invulnerabilities to those he would give land wherein that master would have the option to practice his own legislature on his property. There was a conventional strategy to hint the formation of an agreement called the instatement service. It occurred between a master and a vassal, wherein the ruler gave land on to the vassal and the vassal made a vow of fealty. The oa... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

3 Errors Involving Prepositions

3 Errors Involving Prepositions 3 Errors Involving Prepositions 3 Errors Involving Prepositions By Mark Nichol You are endeavoring to portray an activity, yet you can’t recollect whether one, state, goes in to the penetrate or into the break, or whether one, for instance, strolls on to the following path intersection or onto the following path intersection. This post clarifies the individual jobs of the employable words and expressions. A prepositional expression is an expression that incorporates a relational word, a word that, as its name infers, precedes the object of a sentence. For instance, into and onto are relational words depicting development according to objects in the prepositional expressions â€Å"into the trench† and â€Å"onto the roof.† Because these prepositional expressions give extra data about an activity that happened (as in the sentences â€Å"She jumped into the trench† and â€Å"The kid climbed onto the roof†), they fill in as modifiers. We generally consider intensifiers single words (as in â€Å"She jumped impetuously† or â€Å"The kid climbed quickly†), yet modifiers can comprise of at least two words, which show up with no extra data or joined with single word qualifiers, either nearby one another or isolated by the subject and the action word (as in â€Å"She jumped carelessly into the trench† or â€Å"Quickly, the kid climbed onto the roof†). â€Å"In to† and â€Å"on to,† conversely, each contain two unmistakable grammatical forms: an intensifier followed by a relational word. In and on follow an action word to give extra data about it, and to goes before the article that follows the action word and its verb modifier, as in â€Å"She jumped in to look the trench† and â€Å"The kid got on to improve look.† In the accompanying models, a relational word is erroneously utilized instead of a qualifier relational word compound comprising of indistinguishable letters from the relational word. After each sentence, a conversation, trailed by an update, clarifies the blunder. 1. His significant other, under the presumption that she’d never observe him again, has moved onto another man, and they’re anticipating getting hitched. The prepositional expression â€Å"moved onto† suggests that the lady has truly moved herself on the man’s body. Be that as it may, â€Å"moved on to† incorporates the informal expression â€Å"moved on,† meaning â€Å"transitioned†: â€Å"His spouse, under the presumption that she’d never observe him again, has proceeded onward to another man, and they’re anticipating getting married.† 2. His activity isn't to surrender to the requests of multimillionaire famous people pushing a social motivation. The utilization of into suggests a passage, yet the key of this sentence is the expression â€Å"give in,† meaning â€Å"submit,† so into must be separated into its constituent parts: â€Å"His work isn't to surrender to the requests of multimillionaire famous people pushing a social agenda.† 3. The mobile phones were transformed into the specialists. Here, into went before by turned recommends a change, as opposed to the demonstration of turning in, or giving over, so once more, in must be isolated from to shape some portion of the expression â€Å"turning in†: â€Å"The phones were gone in to the authorities.† For an increasingly nitty gritty conversation about this issue, see this post about relational words. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Grammar classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:Coordinating versus Subjecting Conjunctions75 Idioms and Expressions That Include â€Å"Break†Oppose and Opposed To

Friday, August 21, 2020

Some Like It Hot Free Essays

You should finish BOTH pieces of this segment. Arrangement: †Each part should be composed under the different headings. †Present every one of your perceptions as a visual cue. We will compose a custom exposition test on Some Like It Hot or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now Every visual cue ought to distinguish your perception, show how and why this method is utilized, and note the essentialness of this procedure. †Note that you just have show up. 0 words for every visual cue, since each of the ten visual cues are constrained to 500 words, so you should be brief. †Each part has a progression of terms/ideas which are there to assist you with pondering the focuses you need to make. You don't need to talk about every one of these terms; they are given as a rule. †You should expound on the SAME film that you decide for your nearby perusing in Section II. A) Sound (5 imprints, or 1/3 of 1 5%) Using visual cues, distinguish five (5) key components of the way that sound, music, discourse as well as quiet are utilized in the arrangement, and give brief models. In the event that pertinent, you may likewise consider film components that sub for sound, for example, quiet film titles. Potential components you may (yet don't need to) consider in your five perceptions: dietetic and non-dietetic sound coordinated and offbeat sound music exchange quietness sound-picture relations impact of soundtrack on portrayal, and so on. Onscreen and officered sound Using visual cues, recognize five (5) key components of altering in the grouping and quickly note the importance of the manner in which each is utilized. Request of shots span of shots shot advances (I. E. , kind of cut) nothing worth mentioning altering or breaks in progression musicality and pace of the alter altering standards impacts of cuts, and so forth. Short Essay (500 words) Putting It All Together (5 imprints, or 1/3 of 1 5%) Write a short article, with a concise early on and closing explanation, that deciphers your chose grouping corresponding to the film’s portrayal and topical concerns. Thinking about soundtrack and altering, examine how this succession expounds the story significance and fundamental subjects of the film in general. You should concentrate your focuses on the chose succession, however endeavor to make infusions to different pieces of the film when/as significant. You may draw on your specialized perceptions from Section I to help your focuses here, however don't just recurrent your visual cues from the previous area. Potential inquiries to consider (this is a rule in particular, to help with conceptualizing): What apparatuses of portrayal are utilized? How does altering capacity as an apparatus of portrayal in this arrangement? How does soundtrack backing and influence the portrayal? What is the capacity of the grouping in the general account structure of the film? Indication: You MUST watch the clasp gave a few times to excel on this task. To have an away from of what your picked film cut is about and how it fits inside the story setting, you should watch the entire film. Evaluation CRITERIA the measures underneath. What we’re searching for in Section l: exact specialized understanding quick examination (that is, the manner by which well you decipher the importance of the strategies as opposed to Just portraying them) great selection of models (from the clasp) substance with compactness (show up. 50 words for each visual cue) What we’re searching for in Section II: examination of how specialized components (e. G. Proportion, altering, sound) work in mix with each other commitment with film theme(s) as upheld by specialized perceptions cognizant exposition structure concentrated on keen, key focuses lucidity of composition and right English use The most effective method to refer to Some Like It Hot, Papers

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Controversial Essay Topics

Controversial Essay TopicsWriting a controversial essay topic in the high school senior class can be one of the best experiences you'll ever have. In fact, it could be a chance to gain the respect of your classmates and fellow teachers. However, if you want to make sure that you get good grades, you'll need to be ready for a barrage of criticism and negative comments.The first thing you'll need to do before writing your controversial essay topics is decide what subjects are really hot. You need to decide which topics will be extremely controversial and how important you want the topic to be to you. Keep in mind that most popular topics for high school students are political, religious or social issues. Try not to stray from these topics as they'll keep your audience interested.Next, narrow down your topic by trying to identify the main thrust of the essay. Don't try to have an all-encompassing thesis statement. Instead, just focus on the main points you want to make. For example, if you want to argue that your religion is the true one, do not go into detail about every part of your faith that you believe in. Instead, write a brief summary of why you think that your faith is the one true faith.Next, write the essay in a way that engages the reader. Avoid using long sentences, which can discourage the reader. If you are going to use short sentences, make sure that they're easy to read. In addition, include some humor and sound bite that relate to the subject. These are some ideas to help you make your controversial essay topics interesting and worthwhile.Finally, to make sure that your controversial essay topics are worth reading, revise them before you submit your essay. After you've finished revising your essay, you'll need to see if you've made any grammatical or spelling errors. Ifthere are any, then you will need to go back and rewrite them. You will also need to add in some new ideas that you think will be more interesting. Lastly, you will want to make sur e that your essay is original, original thoughts.Finally, you should have your final version of the essay in at least two weeks. Make sure that you give yourself enough time to review it before you submit it to the teacher. During this time, you can discuss it with the teacher, his or her adviser and others that you trust.Writing controversial essay topics is a skill that you can develop through hard work. However, make sure that you prepare ahead of time so that you'll be able to respond to criticisms and receive the best grades possible.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid - 1529 Words

Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid: Vitaly Komar and Alex Melamid, born in Moscow in the 1940s, studied together in the Moscow Art School from 1958-1960 (DAF 1). They began their collaborative work in 1965, and in 1967, they established the SOTS Art movement (the Soviet version of Western Pop Art). Through their SOTS Art movement they worked along with other Soviet nonconformist artists to create work that challenged the rigid official style of Socialist Realism (DAF 1). They held their first international exhibition at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York, in 1976 and from that time, they are holding many public commissions and exhibitions at the international level (DAF 1). In 1978, Komar Melamid shifted to America and in 1981, they†¦show more content†¦This seems to slyly indicate the heroism of Stalin that was lauded in Soviet history for bringing peace after the Bolshevik Revolution and for creating the Soviet empire. This painting thus brings together the Soviet empire, ancient Rome and France. While St alin represents the Soviet Union, the muses symbolize ancient Rome and France is represented by the neoclassical style and the allusions to Napoleon (Hillings 49). The painting makes the viewer reflect on the contradictory nature of such periods of imperial glory and how they always decline and fail. By depicting Stalin in an artificial manner like a frozen sculpture on a pedestal, Komar and Melamid expose the artificial nature of his public persona that was institutionalized and canonized through various media (Hillings 49). Komar and Melamid’s painting titled â€Å"Lenin Lived, Lenin Lives, Lenin Will Live! (1982)† shows the embalmed body of Vladimir Lenin lying at the top of the podium in the Lenin Mausoleum in Moscow and a kneeling female figure in mourning in the lower right corner. The painting bears resemblances to the Soviet and French Revolutionary and Christian models (Hillings 49). Lenin’s corpse and the other-worldly female figure show an artificial disconnect that resembles how various Soviet regimes used

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center - 1411 Words

Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center (SCVMC) is a large 343-bed hospital that has been serving the South Bay community in San Diego County since 1979. This facility is affiliated with over 450 physicians and employs in excess of 2,000 people. Needless to say, the SCVMC Health Information Management Department is extremely busy! The HIM department of SCVMC has a staff of 51 people in various positions including Clerical Assistants, Optical Imaging Specialists, Medical Coders, and Supervisors. At this time, Sharp employs XX RHITS and XX RHIAS in the department. Records Organization Sharp is an early adopter of electronic patient records. In fact, this facility first started using a basic form of patient electronic records in 1984. Since 2008, the HIM department has been fully integrated with the admissions department which all works together to ensure that registration, healthcare records and billing data management is as seamless as possible. Registration Sharp uses a program called OnBase for patient registration. When patients arrive at the hospital, the admitting clerk scans their driver’s license and insurance card. Conditions of admission are displayed in electronic form and patients sign on an electronic tablet to indicate consent. Paper versions of patient registration is printed only when requested by the patient, otherwise registration is totally paperless. Information in OnBase is fed into several applications, including Sharp’sShow MoreRelatedThe s Healthcare Career Has Spanned More Than 30 Years897 Words   |  4 PagesAs president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Sharp HealthCare, Michael W. Murphy is tasked with a large responsibility. He oversees more than 16,000 employees, 2,600 affiliated physicians and about 2,100 volunteers. In turn, this workforce provides service and healthcare to a completely integrated not-for-profit system that includes four acute-care hospitals, three specialty hospitals, two affiliated medical groups, five urgent care centers, three skilled nursing facilities, home health, hospiceRead MoreEssay on Obesity in San Diego County: A Winnable Battle5475 Words   |  22 Pagesrange from Oceanside in the north county, which is home to the Camp Pendleton Marine base, to San Ysidro at the southern end of the county that has the busiest international land border crossing in the world. (San Ysidro Inte rmodal Transportation Center Study) In the eastern part of the county, the climate is warmer and more rural with agricultural farming in Ramona and El Cajon, a community of 100,000 where quarter of the population is of Iraqi decent and has the second largest Iraqi population

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, to those who know and und Essay Example For Students

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, to those who know and und Essay erstand his poems well, exists in three modes, as Philosopher, Poet, Friend. If the truth were told, we should all be obliged to admit that the Philosopher escapes us. It is the opinion of many that Coleridge as Poet is almost equally an evanescent shadow; and though the many are in this quite mistaken, they have some excuse for thinking thus, because his fulfillment falls far short of his promise. Due to Coleridges complex styles of writing, the concept and meaning of his poems can be taken in more ways than one and are often criticized by the individual reader, but the true meaning only lies inside his head. The failure to appreciate how extremely great the fulfillment exists, the causes of this injustice to Coleridge the Poet are the splendor of the three poems of his which everybody knows and admires, and also the habit of regarding him as a mere satellite of Wordsworth, or at least as Wordsworths weaker brother. These are his Poems of Friendship. They cannot be even vaguely understood unless the reader knows what persons Coleridge has in mind. They are, for the most part, poems in which reference is made with fine particularity to certain places. They were composed as the expression of feelings which were occasioned by quite definite events. Between the lines, when we know their meaning, we catch glimpses of those delightful people who formed the golden inner circle of his friends in the days of his young manhood. They may all be termed, as Coleridge himself names one or two of them, Conversation Poems, for even when they are soliloquies the sociable man who wrote them could not even think without supposing a listener. They require and reward considerable knowledge of his life and especially the life of his heart. This is not so certainly the case with his three famous Mystery Poems, in which the spellbound reader sees visions and hears music which float in from a magic realm and float out again into unfathomable space. Their perfection not of this world nor founded on history of circumstances. No knowledge of their origin or mechanism can increase their beauty or enrich their charm. To attempt to account for them, to write footnotes about them, if it were hoped thereby to make them more powerful in their effect upon the imagination, would be ridiculous and pedantic, however fruitful of knowledge and interest the exercise might be. While the Philosopher has wandered away into a vague limbo of unfinished projects and the Poet of Cristabel and its companion stars can only gaze in mute wonder upon the constellation he fixed in the heavens, the Poet of the Friendly Pieces lingers among us and can be questioned. We owe it to him and to ourselves to appreciate them. It is unfair to his genius that he should be represented in most anthologies of English verse only be the Mystery Poems, and that those who read the Poems of Friendship should be generally be ignorant of their meaning. It is unfair to ourselves that we should refuse the companionship of the most open-hearted of men, a generous spirit, willing to reveal to us the riches of his mind, a man whom all can understand and no one can help loving. There is not so much kindness, humor, wisdom, and frankness offered to most of us in the ordinary intercourse of life that we can afford to decline the outstretched hand of Coleridge. Poetry draws mankind together, break s down barriers, relieves loneliness, shows us ourselves in others and others in ourselves. It is the friendly art. It ignores time and space. National, racial, and secular differences fall at its touch, which is the touch of kinship, and when we feel this we laugh shamefacedly at our pretensions, timiditys, and reserves. Everything in antiquity is antiquated except its art and especially its poetry. That is scarcely less fresh than when it fell first from living lips. The religion of the ancients is to us superstition, their science childishness, but their poetry is as valid and vital as our own. It is the nature of all great poetry to open and bring together the hearts of men. And few poets have so generously given themselves out to us as Coleridge. The gift is rare and wonderful because he was a very good man, even more that because of his marvelous mind. When he was said to be good, he was said to be loving. The compositions which are denominated as the Poems of Friendship or Co nversation Poems are The Eolian Harp, Reflections on having left a Place of Retirement, This Lime-Tree Bower my Prison, Frost at Midnight, Fears in Solitude, and The Nightingale. The list is not complete; there are shorter pieces which might be added; but these are the most substantial and the best. Imporant Decisions In Huck Finn EssayDue to Coleridges complex styles of writing, the concept and meaning of his poems can be taken in more ways that one and are often criticized by the individual reader, but the true meaning only lies inside his head. It is the nature of all great poetry to open and bring together the hearts of men. Coleridges poetry is one of friendship with a loving behavior, and that is the reason why people are attracted to his literature.